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SLS Conferences Landing Page

Stanford Law School |  March 2018

Design: visual, user interaction

Stanford Law School faculty and students host a great number of conferences throughout the year. Our team provides these conference hosts with a muliti-site conference platform where our content editors can easily build out their conference agenda, highlight their speakers, embed registration forms and post other event logistics. Whenever a new conference site gets created, the new conference gets appended to a growing list of past and upcoming conferences on a separate page. Because this page doesn’t get marketed, the traffic to this page was extremely low at the time. Thus, we kept it as a utility page and allocated our time and effort to other projects instead.


As more and more conference sites got created, this utility page got messy, quickly. Our analytics also showed that it was getting more traffic than we expected so I was asked to design a very simple, low-maintenance landing page that will:


  • showcase the different conferences we offer throughout the year

  • help drive visitors back to the conference they are interested in

  • be low-maintenance but can automatically display updated content


After looking at our data to see which recurring conferences had the most site visitors, and researching ways to highlight multiple events, I brainstormed a couple of ideas with our developer to understand feasibility and to get an estimate on development time for different layout options and functionalities.  


We decided to go with a static panel of tiles (in various sizes) at the top of the page followed by a tappable listing of upcoming conferences and past conferences. The tiles would feature the most popular annual conferences, determined by analytics and the less popular ones will be compiled in a list of upcoming/past events.

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